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S-43, Shivalik Nagar, Haridwar
S-43, Shivalik Nagar, Haridwar

This is my first article on this blog. Here I will share my journey and of many others with HIV. I have been practicing HIV Medicine for last 20 years. These experiences are based on thousands of HIV affected people I have met during these years. These are the stories of true grit and determination of people coming to our centre for HIV treatment and related issues. The sole purpose of writing these articles is to inspire people living with this virus, so that they can relate to it and derive strength to fight and move forward in life. I agree it is not easy but it is definitely not impossible as it seems when one is first diagnosed with HIV.

Many of our patients will also be sharing their stories themselves on this blog and will be telling their true experiences. Their names and places will be changed just to conceal their identity but rest of the story will be unedited. We invite you also to share your story here.

There are many reasons for starting this website but foremost is to link people living with HIV to the best HIV treatment at par with international standards. If you go on any search engine and search for any source for HIV treatment then you will find many such centres. Most of them are promising treatment with tall claims and a large number of patients are taken for a ride with their money and most importantly their faith. When they reach us, it is astonishing to listen to as how  people disguising as HIV experts are fooling them and worse is that these patients cannot tell about their experiences because of  fear of  their identity getting disclosed and facing stigma, discrimination in society and intimidation from these quacks. So these so called doctors continue to rob people.

Also there are qualified doctors but not trained in HIV Medicine, which is a separate specialty. These doctors keep treating these patients very casually with no knowledge of this highly specialised field and patients believe that they are getting the good treatment.

The matter of fact is that there are a very few number of qualified and experienced HIV experts in our country and we can help you to link up with them if you are living far away from our centre so that you are assured of best treatment.

There is so much to talk about HIV, which I will be doing regularly through this blog.  In the meantime I request you to kindly go through our website and you will get very relevant information which can make real difference to your HIV treatment.

Before I finish this article, I will like to tell you about unique part of our website is that you can do online consultation directly with me regarding anything related to HIV, in a section – For Online consultationwith complete assurance of your confidentiality. So why wait when you can start right now and start your journey towards a healthy, productive and fulfilling life.

Your HIV दोस्त
Dr Alok Vashishtha

Post Author: admin

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