Terms Conditions and Privacy Policy

We try to give guidance on the basis of information provided by patients and their care givers with sole intention of well being of patients. We do not give any prescription and treatment protocol by electronic consultation. The information disclosed during the sessions both online and personal consultations is kept strictly confidential. To ensure privacy and security, consultation sessions are neither recorded nor stored. The session is strictly between patient and Dr. Alok Vashishtha only and no one will have access to these sessions. Moreover we do not have any chat sessions and log in kind of process on our website so no data is stored and accordingly there is no question of breach of any data.

Medical field keeps getting updated with a continuous influx of new knowledge and information. Every day results of new research broaden our understanding of subject and improve our medical knowledge. We have made every possible effort to ensure accuracy of material presented on this website. The content was checked for accuracy at the time it was written. It may have been superseded by more recent developments. All patients and their care providers are advised and encouraged to consult other resources also.

In case of emergency you should contact hospital in your area.

By using this website and booking on line consultation implies that you agree to the terms and conditions set out by us from the first time you visit this website. To the fullest extent of the law, the website owners do not assume any liability for any injury or damage to any person from any use of instructions, suggestions or ideas from the, material herein. All Payments made to book the service are governed by our payment, refund and cancellation policy.