• HIV affects infected person’s body, psyche and thoughts in a very devastating way, as disease has both medical and social dimensions. Patient faces stigma and ostracism and it affects him very badly.
  • Keeping all these factors in mind we have developed a unique program for HIV infected person to help them lead a healthy and productive life.
  • The core philosophy of this program is that for effective control of HIV infection one should have both healthy body and mind as they complement each other and ensure great outcomes and help patients to have fulfilling life.
  • We have incorporated knowledge of modern medical science, dietary advice, wisdom of tradition of Yoga and meditation.
  • We have taken detailed inputs from leading experts of their respective fields especially for people affected with disease of this nature.
  • It helps people living with HIV, to take control of their lives and remain focused on their dreams, aspirations and life goals and finally helping to have healthy body and mind.
  • Treatment is planned specifically for every individual patient so that their infection remains under perfect control with minimal disturbance in daily schedule and then rest things are incorporated as per their choice so that all components compliment to their health in integrated and holistic way.