HIV Treatment: Best HIV Treatment in India - HIV Aids Expert

HIV/AIDS is one of the deadliest epidemics in history of mankind. Human Immunodeficiency Virus attacks cells that help the body to maintain its immunity thus making a person vulnerable to various life threatening infections. Initially HIV was a fatal disease with no effective treatment. It has been a real challenge in the history of Medical Science.

Today with latest medical advancements, it can be treated and has become a chronic manageable disease. Various medicines are available now, which if taken under the supervision of an experienced HIV specialist, ensures normal life spans. We provide guidance and consultation related to the management of HIV/AIDS with state-of-art facilities for various aspects related to HIV. Let’s take the first step by clicking below:-

HIV drugs and regimes need to be individualized as per particular patients for the best outcomes. There are many options available to start the treatment. In 20 years of our engagement with people living with HIV we had made an exhaustive check list for person living with HIV, which they should discuss before finalizing their treatment;

Living with HIV is not easy, and there are always questions haunting which includes;

  • Will I become healthy and lead normal life
  • How to start treatment
  • Different treatment options for HIV
  • How to monitor treatment
  • When to change treatment
  • Long term issues of therapy
  • Cost of treatment
  • Planning a baby
  • Partner protection
  • Healthy diet and lifestyle
  • Sexuality
  • HIV status disclosure related issues
  • Old age issues
  • Easy direct communication with treating doctor whenever required

We had tried to address these issues in our section titled Frequently Asked Questions for your benefit, please visit the link below:

At our centre we have all services related to treatment of HIV/AIDS. For details please click on the link provided below:

Please get in touch with us with full faith and confidence for best outcomes.