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S-43, Shivalik Nagar, Haridwar
S-43, Shivalik Nagar, Haridwar

Delivering HIV Medicines During Lock down

To prevent spread of Novel Corona Virus, government implemented strict lock down since 22nd March. However, this period was very troublesome for HIV-infected person on many fronts. The biggest issue was that it became difficult for them to get their medicines, especially as lock down was sudden and nobody had expected this scenario. Most of them had not maintained enough stocks of their medicines for such a long duration.

We were also in a peculiar situation as our center, which is one of the best centers for HIV treatment in India and caters to a huge number of HIV patients from whole of the North India. Many patients are from interiors and remote areas living in villages. What made situation complicated as these medicines are usually available on few pharmacies and most of these pharmacies were having stock outs as it also disturbed their supply chain.

It was a genuine challenge to ensure medicine supply to our patients in this situation. We expected and acted quickly right from the start of lock down and developed models to deliver medicines to them. It was an achievement seeing that no courier companies were working. We mobilized our resources and used all networks which we had built over time to help them in getting their medicines and strictly maintaining their confidentiality.

In fact, during this period many patients were from other countries and got stuck up in India also got in touch with us as our center had all their medicines available and at a fraction of cost available in their country. Another side of same story was that some of our patients got stuck out of India and we sent their medicines through international cargo services.

This was quiet a learning experience on many fronts. The satisfaction of living up to expectations of our patients was very gratifying. I wish we continue to serve them till we find a cure for HIV.

Your HIV Dost


Post Author: admin

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